THE PRESBYTERIAN FORM OF GOVERNMENT The Presbyterian Church follows a scriptural model in choosing elders to govern the people. At the congregational level, elders serve on the session, which is responsible for nurturing the spiritual life of the people, directing its mission to the community and to the world, and discharging all administrative functions.
The session elects a representative to meetings of the Presbytery, which is a regional governing council. Summerville is a member of Coastal Carolina Presbytery. The presbytery elects elders and ministers to serve as commissioners to the synod. Our presbytery belongs to the Synod of the Mid-Atlantic. The presbytery also elects elders and ministers to serve as commissioners to the General Assembly, which is the governing council of the Presbyterian Church (USA). In all governing councils above the session, ministers and elders have equal representation.
All councils of the Presbyterian Church are governed by a Constitution, which includes The Book of Order and the Book of Confessions. The Book of Order includes The Form of Government, which serves as an operations manual for all governing councils of the church. Part II, The Directory for Worship, sets forth the theological basis for all elements of worship and provides guidelines for celebrating the sacraments, and planning for weddings and funerals. Part III, The Rules of Discipline, establishes procedures for maintaining the peace and unity of the church.
The Book of Confessions contains the historic creeds of the church and other confessions from the Reformed period and the 20th century.
Ministers and Elders are required to acknowledge the authority of constitutional standards in carrying out the functions of their office.
Pastor Robert Whitehouse., Moderator 910-709-1398 Clerk Mary P. Majors 910-639-1496
Class of 2027 Class of 2025 Class of 2026
Rebecca Currin Tyrone Lucas Mary P. Majors
Barbara Newton Billy Wagner James Currin
The session elects a representative to meetings of the Presbytery, which is a regional governing council. Summerville is a member of Coastal Carolina Presbytery. The presbytery elects elders and ministers to serve as commissioners to the synod. Our presbytery belongs to the Synod of the Mid-Atlantic. The presbytery also elects elders and ministers to serve as commissioners to the General Assembly, which is the governing council of the Presbyterian Church (USA). In all governing councils above the session, ministers and elders have equal representation.
All councils of the Presbyterian Church are governed by a Constitution, which includes The Book of Order and the Book of Confessions. The Book of Order includes The Form of Government, which serves as an operations manual for all governing councils of the church. Part II, The Directory for Worship, sets forth the theological basis for all elements of worship and provides guidelines for celebrating the sacraments, and planning for weddings and funerals. Part III, The Rules of Discipline, establishes procedures for maintaining the peace and unity of the church.
The Book of Confessions contains the historic creeds of the church and other confessions from the Reformed period and the 20th century.
Ministers and Elders are required to acknowledge the authority of constitutional standards in carrying out the functions of their office.
Pastor Robert Whitehouse., Moderator 910-709-1398 Clerk Mary P. Majors 910-639-1496
Class of 2027 Class of 2025 Class of 2026
Rebecca Currin Tyrone Lucas Mary P. Majors
Barbara Newton Billy Wagner James Currin