Please join us for Candle Light Service Summerville Presbyterian Church 2065 Summerville Mamers Rd. Lillington, NC 27546 Sunday December 22 2019 5:30 pm With my farming background, I continue to be interested in the planting and harvesting of crops. Jesus observed these activities in the land where he carried out his ministry of teaching and healing. The spring and early summer this year gave the promise of an abundant harvest. By contrast, the latter part of the summer has been extremely hot and humid with a shortfall of needed rain. I still work with the soil, deriving great pleasure from the flowers and shrubs that surround our house at Carolina Trace. There are frustrations, however. in this rewarding enterprise. The heat and lack of rain have taken their toll on many of our plants, and the ever plentiful deer have nibbled many specimens down to the ground. It makes one look forward to colder temperatures in the late fall.
We were very happy to receive two new members on August 30. These members are well-known to our congregation. Lori Bundy Thomas, wife of Tommy Thomas, came to us from the United Methodist Church. Her Father was a minister in that denomination, and Lori was active in several churches he served, including the Methodist Church in Lillington, Lori is a special education teacher in the Orange County Schools, currently working with children at the UNC Hospital. Our son, Kendall lives near Lake Norman, very near the campus of Davidson College. He is a district manager for Fastenal. Kendall comes home frequently, and he always joins us for worship at Summerville. We enjoyed our fifth Sunday luncheon following worship. It was a wonderful way to celebrate the reception of Lori and Kendall. Brenda and I look forward to visiting with our younger son, John, on the second weekend of September. Kendall will accompany us. John has built a new house in Richmond, near the James River and the historic St. Johns Church where Patrick Henry made his famous speech. You can enjoy a guest preacher that Sunday who is well-known to our congregation. I usually preach on the doctrine of vocation on the Sunday before Labor Day. Our Reformed Faith stresses the nobility of work and the calling that each of us receives from God. On September 3, we will consider how we can serve God through the best use of our leisure time. On September 24, we will return to this subject, as we consider the "true wages" that we receive in our daily work. Blessings to you in the autumn season, Pastor Tom |
Pastor Robert "Bob" Whitehouse